Although it was initially said that the OnePlus 3 and 3T models would not be upgraded to a new version, it has now been announced that these models will also receive Android P. The well-known Chinese smartphone manufacturer, of course, OnePlus is today a relevant brand in the Android world, and is gaining year after year its reputation in the market. Although the equipment has top performance, many users point the camera and the updates as more negative points. If the camera is evolving little by little, the updates have now made a giant leap. Having recently taken over a policy of more frequent updates, the well-known Chinese smartphone manufacturer, of course, OnePlus recently reiterated this promise, announcing updates with a flow similar to Google Pixel. If in OnePlus 6 this bet is already noticeable, having already been released with a beta of available Android P, the truth is that everything indicated that OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T did not receive much more news, being few possibilities to receive Android P, or even Android 8.1. Having been released with Android 6, this was the expected outcome for these two smartphones, which should see the support locked in Android 8. However, to the amazement of many, the Chinese brand has now announced that the development for this equipment will not stop, ensuring that Android P will also reach these devices by skipping the Android 8.1 update. This was a decision that many did not expect but it shows the will to want to keep what the company has promised and to compensate its users in order to try to erase the bad image that created with OnePlus 2. So, what do you think about this? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below.